et sich im Aufbau, ist in diesem Stadium nur „teil-öffentlich“ und zwar nur auf englisch und auch nur für die, die diesen Link kennen.
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Fair-Trade Tour (ON ICE as my EU Aplication from 11/1/2010 didn’t go through and all contacted Fair-Trade connected associations/firms/etc. wished my good luck with this this project without wanting to comprimise at all)
WHAT is it ABOUT ?
Something quite similar to what you find on the left below bicycle projects – take the Vamonos Project for example: basically it’s about bycycl-based PR actions in order to raise awareness for Fair-Trade (FT) because I am deeply convinced that FT is a better way of equalling richess and poverty than classical development aid does. Furthermore it is a democratic instrument that anybody in the rich countries can use to help.
CZECH REPUBLIC through INEX – Sdružení dobrovolných aktivit
FRANCE through Eurocicle joined in
SLOVENIA joined: Zavod Voluntariat
ITALIA, too: InformaGiovani
ROMANIA joined in: A.R.T. Fusion Association
POLAND is in the boat: EFTE
LATVIA: welcome as second country: GLEN LATVIA
HUNGARY was the first country joining: HVFS
IF you are interested volunteer: get in touch asap with a NGO of your country and bring me in touch with them. If your country is already represented get in touch with me and I’ll send you the email contact of the particular contact person within that NGO (of your country)
Further Information for NGOs, that work in with EVS here!
What will it consist of ?
My idea is to have a Latin America team (cycling, work-shopping & press-working in classic FT producing countries) for around 4 months and as much as possible home based teams in different EU-Countries in order to generate loads of media attention towards the topic. The home based teams shall on one hand act as back-offices for the media work of the Latin American tour and on the other hand organize their own, independent bicycle based PR actions (such as participative bicycle tours incorporating local bicycle clubs etc.) that link back to FT and the Latin American tour.
It will be a quite complex mixture between riding bike and a lot PR- and organisation work to make it short.
WHEN will it take place ?
The preparation seminary („feasiability visit“ acc. to the YIA programme 4.3 ;-) will take place between 12-14/March 2011 plus two days for your CO²-friendly bus/train/hitchhike journeys coming and going. An exemplary dayplan of the meeting you find here.
Your profile as a interested > 29 old european:
Per country two people can come to the preparational meeting (schedule: see below) – both are awaited to be highly self-initiative, FT-motivated and to know and speak English. You guys should later on build up an own initiative in your country that realizes the home-based actions. It is intended to have one part-time payed, professional PR-worker per country in order to support you.
As far as the Latin America team is concerned:
Independent from the further development this commitment’s concept: here only very few people can join, that absolutely have to know Spanish, be into FT and are able to work/be under high physicall/mental stress, age: 23-28 by now.
As FT importing industries are 1:1 benefiting by every newspaper article that comes up thanks to our energies of the home based teams exactly those industries should co-finance the project. In Germany I had positive conversations so far. The other source of easing the financial pain of the Latin American team members: Brussel’s Youth in Action Program. For the travel costs to Germany 70 % would be paid by the EU. The rest by you guys.
Some more details ?
Here you can download a one page pdf file with slightly more information.
Here you can download the current version of the time table for the meeting
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